Gorillas are primates and no one can win a debate against that. The majority of primates spend above 50% of their daily time brachiating. This is sometimes influenced by their feeding patterns, because most of them feed on the fruits high above in the trees and also set up their nests in the trees.
Primatologists have ascertained that chimpanzees spend about 33% of their day on the ground and the remaining 67% is spent in the trees high above; while the peach-colored orangutans of Asia spend 100% of their days sitting in the trees above or brachiating. Gorillas especially the mountain gorillas which easily access their food from the ground only climb trees for about 20% during their days when hiding away from predators and sometimes when they choose to build their nests in the trees. 80% of their time is spent roaming the earth from below the forest canopy.
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